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First off all the only mandates are for Federal Government vehicles to switch to “zero emission vehicles” which does translate to EVs by 2027. But this has nothing to do with the general public. There are no Federal mandates *at all* for regular joes to switch to EVs.

Yes, there are subsidies, which are *strictly for US made EVs* and in order to get the full $7,500 subsidy, the batteries have to be US made and most of the raw materials either local or imported from countries we have “fair-trade” agreements with. China is not one of them — that we would be subsidizing Chinese EVs is a lie.

Indeed in reality, the EV push is there to save US legacy car companies from themselves. Currently the only companies making a profit from EVs are Tesla and Chinese companies like BYD. Everyone else is losing money, indeed the more EVs they sell the more money they lose. The problem for legacy car companies is the longer they postpone getting serious about EVs, the bigger and more insurmountable Tesla’s lead becomes.

This is why Tesla has such an overwhelming lead in US EV sales — Tesla has a 90% to 10% of EV sales or higher vs any other car company in the US. And *currently* Chinese companies like BYD *do not sell EVs in the US*.

"Hydrogen vehicles will be better" is pure fantasy — number one reason generating hydrogen for them is way more expensive than generating electricity from renewable energy. The hydrogen fantasy is part of the reason why Toyota is so woefully behind in EVs. And the whole EVs will eat all renewable energy thing is without a doubt oil industry propaganda. Renewable energy is growing at an exponential pace as the cost of solar and wind generated energy continues to plummet.

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